Replacement Windows for Your Region
Replacement windows, as the name suggests; replace your existing windows. You install them on your existing window frame.
They allow for less invasive, easy, and quick installation. And they prevent the removal of any exterior elements.
Yet, different regions have different needs for replacement windows. Choosing the right window for your region is key to enhancing energy efficiency at home.
The right replacement window also adds to the coziness and visual appeal of your home. But which replacement window suits your region?
This guide has all the replacement windows for different regions. So, read on to find the ideal replacement regions for your region:
The Northwestern Region
This region experiences heavy rains quite often. It is very moist. Hence, you must choose a replacement window that's resistant to rotting and warping.
You'd be safer if you choose fiberglass or vinyl windows. These windows have high resistance to moisture damage. Avoid wooden windows as they easily rot when they come in constant contact with water.
Wood-resin replacement windows also perform well in the Northwest region. Yet, you must also consider replacement windows with high resistance to transferring temperature. Consider windows with 0.3 U-value or below to enjoy optimum insulation.
And, if you live in the Pacific Northwest region, glass replacement windows are the best option for you. They can allow you to observe the outdoors from your home and enjoy all there is to enjoy outside. Besides, these windows are energy efficient and have greater thermal efficiency.
The Northeastern Region
Northeastern dwellers, on the other hand, can benefit from wooden windows. These windows have a good thermal conductivity which enhances the durability of the replacement windows.
You can also choose a U-value of 0.3 or lower. Also, choose high SHGC glass windows. They can help survive the mild summer heat.
These replacement windows have two glass layers, an E-coating, and a gas barrier. These elements increase their durability.
Yet, you must avoid hardwood replacement windows for your Northeast home. They are more insulative. Storm windows are also a better option for this region.
The Southeastern Region
Southeastern parts of the United States are often wet, especially during the rainy summers. At the same time, you must contend with the hot weather.
So, choose wood-framed replacement windows over fiberglass or vinyl for this region. And, for optimum results, pair your window frames with insulated window panes to minimize heat absorption.
But, if you're on the coast of the southeast region, impact-resistant glass replacement windows are a better choice. They are resistant to storms which are prevalent in these parts.
The Southwestern Region
The Southwest region combines some warm weather in the daytime and cool temperature at night. So, choose vinyl or fiberglass replacement windows.
Consider low-E panes to reduce heat transfer. These can resist the heat when it's sunny. Some insulative windows can also help you cool your home amidst the hot summer.
Also, choose windows with high solar heat resistance. SGHC windows of 0.3 and below are an excellent option.
Windows with spectrally selective coats are also efficient for this region. They can allow light into your home but resist harsh sun rays, which may overheat your home.
Again, these types of replacement windows are a good choice if you're after natural light and energy efficiency.
The Midwestern Region
Your Midwestern home perhaps experiences high storms. At times, hail and tornadoes also hit this region. Hence, your replacement windows must stand these natural solid forces.
So, choose fiberglass windows or vinyl windows. They're highly durable and can save you unnecessary replacement costs.
Casement windows also make a good option. They can swing open like a door and are ideal against heavy winds. Instead, the wind's pressure strengthens the window seals when you close your replacement windows.
Besides, energy-efficient glass replacement windows are your ultimate solution during the sub-zero temperatures in winter. Avoid aluminum frames as they have high thermal transferability. They quickly lose energy to the external environment forcing you to overwork your heaters.
SHGC windows and those with U-values of 0.3 or lower are a good fit for this region. Yet, if your home is at the northernmost part of the midwestern region, go for high SHGC.
But the northernmost residents of the Midwestern region need high SHGC windows. Homeowners in incredibly windy areas should also consider casement windows; window experts say they perform better during high winds.
The Coastal Regions
The coastal region, much like the Northwestern region of the United States, needs bow replacement windows, bay windows, or casement windows for maximum natural light. The casement windows can help you shield your home from water and wind, provided you close them tightly.
You can also have some sliding windows. They're more expansive and hence an ideal option to aerate your coastal home.
Choose these replacement windows if you have an enclosed patio or porch. Impact-resistant glass windows can shield you against strong winds, hurricanes, and storms. Opt for those with a polymer interlayer between two glass sheets. These can survive intense winds.
Above are the specific replacement windows for your region. But, always opt for energy-efficient replacement windows to save you extra energy bills. And when you need help with choosing the right replacement window for your region, don't hesitate to contact professionals.